Saturday, February 25, 2012

I was a child once upon a time...


— n  , pl children
1.a. a boy or girl between birth and puberty

I know we all remember this word and the meaning but just to clarify I have provided the definition, just in case. Certainly there is so much more to define the significance of this word. Shall we elaborate? 
This takes me back to mismatching outfits (Punky Brewster), plush monkeys (Munchichis (sp)), Barbie pre-pregnancy scandal, normal cartoons like Popeye, Tom & Jerry, Looney Tunes, HEMAN, SHERA, GI JOE, bike riding, roller skating, hopscotch, radio & cassette players (when we would call in our favorite station to make a dedication vs. posting a YouTube video on someones Facebook wall)...well you guys get the idea. Man the good ol'days! Don't know about you but yes I believe our generation and before were the last to have that type of childhood. Now days elementary kids have a cell phone, an IPAD and a Facebook page. Okay now that I've mentioned the obvious, who remembers being a "child" and giving lip to your elders without getting the pleasure to meet the belt (or maybe it was the extension coord, hanger, shoe, slap in the face or whatever have you). Better yet anyone remember being a "child" and rolling their eyes, having the option when to do your homework, chores, eat, shower, play, yell, come and go as you please? Anyone? C'mmon anyone? Nope didn't think so. 
See children now days have no idea and I repeat NO IDEA how easy life is made by some parents. On top of that completely unforeseen and unappreciated. Our generation had structure, we had a schedule that  went something like this (stop me when I lie)... 

  • Wake up early, make your bed, get ready for school
  • Eat breakfast
  • School and more school
  • Come home and do homework
  • Chores
  • play time
  • Dinner (whatever was menu available)
  • Bath time
  • Family TV time
  • 8pm - 9pm latest BEDTIME
  • Sleep in an hour later than normal weekday
  • wake up, make your bed and pick up your room
  • eat breakfast (whatever was provided... no menu available)
  • Chores (usually clean the entire house inside and outside)
  • Lunch (whatever provided... Fast food was a treat and not weekly or daily)
  • Family time 
At least this is how my childhood was. Going over a friends house was a no-no and slumber parties were definitely out of the question. Actually it wasn't until my teenage years that my sister and I were allowed out in the front yard with minimal supervision. To my older siblings this is an outrage because they weren't allowed down three front yard steps without Momma yelling their name loud and clear for the whole neighborhood to get their butt inside <insert na-na-na-boo boo face here>.

All I am saying is, children appreciate the freedom you have and enjoy being a child. Don't be in a rush to grow up. Adults remember how we grew up, teach your kids real values and know that our parents had a reason to do what they did. The majority of us turned out okay and didn't go on a shooting rampage at school for no reason or better yet kill our parents like its not a big deal. I'm not saying be a spitting image of your parents either but create that parental figure and don't focus on being your child's friend. They need us for guidance and discipline otherwise how will they make it out here alive? After that, trust your child to make big decisions with a clear understanding of the consequences those will have. Trust them to be young adults that are responsible and to carry those values they grew up with. 

Now if only Dad could understand that I did grow up to be responsible and make clear decisions of my life. My mistakes have been lessons learned. Most of all, if he could only see that both him and Mom brought up a responsible, caring, loving and intelligent woman... I'd be quite alright.

"Dad, I will always be your little girl and love you so, but trust and be happy for me."