Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 2

Day 2 of my 3 day cleanse. Not dead yet. Hungry? Not really, but looking and smelling at food makes my brain to have my mouth utter the words "Im hungry!". I honestly am in shock that I haven't ate anything in sight. It's definitely crossed my mind. When no one is looking I think "hmmm I can eat this and no one will know" however I've succeeded at telling myself "I will know, and that is the most important". I gotta stop lying to myself. So its now dinner time and then dessert..again my favorite part of the day! I think tomorrow may be my hardest day..but I will stay strong. Have to..otherwise this commitment was just a waste.
Xoxo - Azy

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 1

Oh my, what have I done? I think my body is in shock. Well, no not really. It's my brains fault. It's telling my body that I am on day 1 of my 3day cleanse. There are countless days that I have gone without eating or drinking for at least ten hours! But as of 7am this morning according to my rumbling tummy....IM STARVING!! It's 1:13pm and I'm still alive. Cyber Monday I got a great deal on SUJA juice. Package arrived yesterday and I dove right in today. I keep telling myself its only three days..only three days. So why did I choose to do this? Those who know me I've been in this health-rollercoaster ride for I don't know how long. I'm doing this for me, to feel better and look better. Truth is I've been letting Diabetes win for so many years. But now I have to take control. I want a family of my own and if I don't take control I won't accomplish that. I also want a waist vs a belly lol. Cheers to that! Stay tuned for my many rants... its about time I use this blog outlet a lot more!