Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pardon my hood...

Hanging out earlier with my sister and her homegirls was quite interesting. Listening to them chat it up was very entertaining but also very frustrating. I realized im out of touch from my hood-ness (no wonder Esmeralda always laughs at me and says I sound like a gringa). Okay okay Ive never really been Miss Hoodgirl and i've never been in a relationship with a cholo. Don't get me wrong some homeboys are definitely eye candy worth, but I've never been a fan of gang affiliated men. As I was asking the homegirls this evening (have asked my sister so many times) "What draws you to these men?" Relaax... I am not trying to talk down to anyone. I am not a person who thinks they are above anyone. But seriously what is it? I'm talking about the one's who don't grow up. Who have chosen to stay in this lifestyle of going in and out of jail. Who still rep the hood (did I use that in the appropriate manner? hahha). I mean, should I keep going? Why not use all that pride, energy, organization skills, power into something more productive? Do they not think they are worth more? I say break the cycle, do something for yourselves and your loyal families who feel the consequences much more than you. 

Soooo ... pardon my hood...but I stand alone and for those who are important in my life.


  1. LOL .. So true but I love it the HOODNESS!! Baby sis as I myself has also not been attracted to a cholo type however I happened to have had one of those TYPE in n out of Jail however i did make the choice to not be part of that lifestyle and Know that I myslef and My Kids deserved much better .. !! Love you Alrato !!
